Thursday, October 13, 2011

"comfort" care?

I have personally heard of this as "standard medical procedure".  I have to ask what kind of sadist named this "comfort" care?  Does it sound comfortable to you to suffocate for 8 hours?  This video with Jill Stanek is not made up.  It is not exaggeration.  This is again, THE STANDARD PROCEDURE, when the abortion fails to cause death.

It is sickening. 

Please share this so people can be educated into knowing the true standards to the procedures they blindly stand up for. 

And answer me this, why is it that if a person is starving to death, or otherwise waisting away in a hospital or nursing home, it is illegal to let them set aside and wait it out, but a mother can say "no, you must let my baby sit on your counter and die." 


I haven't been able to write here nearly as much as I would like to and that makes me feel very guilty.  In a personal update, I am still apparently "un-hireable", or it would seem.  Since having Planned Parenthood on my resume, it has been ten months since I have been able to find work.  I am starting to feel very low.  But enough of the pity-party.  God will provide. 

I came across an amazing, awe-inspiring movement last night when I was working on the Internet.  I watched a 30 minute video and it blew my mind.  You truly must see this video, whether you are already against abortion, for abortion, or wavering, you just need to see this video.  Absolutely intelligent, and hits right at the heart of the matter. 

Here is a link to this terrific video called 180.  I hope that you will  all share this just as I am.  It is one of the most intelligent movements I have ever seen in the war against Abortion.


Yes this is the video that compares Abortion in America to the Holocaust and Adolf Hitler. Many who are against this are saying there is no way that you can compare the two because the Holocaust happened on such a large scale. Apparently they aren't aware of how many innocents are being taken every day in the name of selfishness. The Holocaust wasn't one large bomb that killed off all those poor souls at once. It was a large amount of people commiting the sin of murder, often one at a time, such as an Abortion clinic.
I see no difference, and the hipocritical nature of saying that Hitler was wrong, but a woman is right, makes no sense to me. I worked there, I know that the majority of the women who came in, did so for selfish reasons.

I hope that those of you who support the saving of unborn children across the nation, will share this as much as possible, and use these tactics the next time that someone argues about the rights of her Vagina. What about the rights of that child? Seems to me that one sin keeps leading to another. When will they stop?

I still feel personally damned for my role in the murders commited while I worked there, I am trying to come to terms with that. I think it will be a very long road. I will try to stand up for the rights of these children as strongly as I can. It is the least I can do.

Monday, May 2, 2011

True Intentions

We’ve all heard the statements “Planned Parenthood is 90% preventative care”. I beg to differ after working there. The clinicians and staff are great on the days when they can focus primarily on “family Planning” clients, clients who need annual exams and infection checks, and birth controls. However it is never far away from the boss’s mouths that they must increase their abortion counts. How can you be preventative if your goal is to profit from increasing the problem???

I don’t think I worked a single day where I did not hear about the need to increase high end appointments. And code accordingly so that cash clients paid the lowest fee while it seemed extra test just happened to be needed for patients with insurance or Medicaid. I was always hearing that abortions needed to increase, even when we couldn’t fill the open slots we already had for scheduling.

I would love to see Planned Parenthood truly be 90% preventative. I know there is a huge social need for cheap and affordable health care for the young and/or under privileged. However I don’t for one minute believe that prevention is their focus.

I can only hope that you will see through all the testimonies available on the internet from post employees, that they are not being sincere. And if they are not honest about one thing, can you trust them to educate you before you make a life changing decision?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What I've Seen

The sights I saw while working in Planned Parenthood for one year will forever haunt me. I do not feel the need to slaughter your eyes with pictures of the mutilations. We have all seen the signs on the side of the road. Let me just give you a verbal recollection of what I was exposed to.

First allow me to witness to the fact that the baby even at as early as 8 WEEKS, looks so perfectly made. The little fingers and toes and the little legs, they are all so perfect and miniature. They don't always come out whole, most of the time they don't, but when they do, they look similar to a little frog all bundled up with their perfect little parts.

I will never understand how people can stand by and say that it is not murder and there is no life being cut short, when everything about that baby is perfect even at that short life span.

It is sad how their little lives end. And there have been ZERO studies to my knowledge as to whether or not these little souls feel pain at that age. Seeing how they come out ripped apart, I can't imagine that they don't.

I witnessed abortions from 5.5 weeks to 18 weeks and I am just so amazed at the sweet perfection of these unborn babies. Fingernails, toes, noses, fingers, baby butts, little knees, just built so perfectly and waiting to start their intended purpose. LIFE.

Here is something to ponder for you. Do you think more people would go through the abortion process if they were shown ACTUAL pictures of a baby at the gestation they are at? Drawn videos and animations don't get the point across, violent and graphic photos people are desensitized too. What if people had to see actual medical photos of the real thing? Would it make that little conscience stir inside them? If you are making a choice and standing by it, shouldn't you be educated about what you are choosing?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Joining Technorati

Great place to find blogs. Check this out. As part of my verification process for posting with them I will be posting this claim token. Nothing important to my readers but needed for identification. Thanks. UUK7SZPNEG95

Planned Parenthood using and abusing Medicaid

So I was thinking about what I should do a blog about today and in light of the discussions revolving around Planned Parenthood funding and the Federal Government troubles lately, I decided to shine a little light onto an issue I witnessed all the time at the clinic I worked at in Washington. I do not want to portray that I know all the state laws, but I do know that in Washington, Medicaid will be given when you are pregnant and financially needy whether it is for an abortion, or for prenatal care. Medicaid will cover 100% of the abortion and will be expidited if you have your "procedure" scheduled allready before you apply. This probably doesn't sound that profound, so I will break it down to you in the type of numbers I saw at the clinic.

  • Two days of surgery a week, 30 patients each day. Out of those 30 at least 20 will most likely be on medicaid, from what I witnessed. Average cost of an in-clinic procedure starts at $1000 (when I worked there) and went higher when your gestation was higher. So here is what that looks like in figures for one single clinic: 20 medicaid patients x $1000 fee = $20,000. $20,000 per one day of surgery in Medicaid expense. 2 days of surgery a week, $40,000. Now think on a larger scale, 52 weeks a year x $40,000= $2,080,000.

  • $2,080,000 in medicaid billed abortions per year for just ONE CLINIC.

  • Now the scary thought and theory is that if the medicaid laws in every state allowed this, and there was just one clinic in every state, (varies, some have none, some have many), the total could be even as high as 50 states x $2,080,000= $104,000,000 or higher due to states with many clinics.

  • $104,000,000 could be billed to medicaid for abortions.

That is a huge amount of money just in abortions being billed to medicaid. We talk all the time about the choice of smokers and obese people raising the cost of insurance and costing states money. So when we talk about women and men who are making the choice to be sexually active, knowing the potential outcome just like a smoker or obese person, why do we say it is only her choice and no one else's. Why is it if I pick up a pack of Camel's, or an extra big mac, it is suddenly the right of everyone else to be concerned about what my health care is going to cost, but if it an abortion, it is suddenly no one's business? The couple did make a choice. They chose to be sexually active.

The whole year I worked at the clinic, I only saw a handful of women who were pregnant from cases of rape, abuse, incest, or similar tragedies. The majority of reasoning was "I am overwhelmed with what is going on in my life allready", or "I don't want my (spouse) to know about my affair".

It doesn't seem like a good enough reason to commit murder.

$104,000,000 is a huge amount of money, something that deserves some thought as well.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Abortion Facts for the day

Around our world 42 million abortions are performed yearly. The United States accounts for 1.37 million. (The Center for BioEthical Reform).

Another way to think of that is

  • 42 million infants not hugged or kissed by mom and dad

  • 42 million kindergartners gone

  • 42 million 2nd graders who will never have to lose their two front teeth.

  • 42 million 7th graders who will never win a science fair

  • 42 million 9th graders who will never go through driver's ed

  • 42 million teenagers who will never know a prom

  • 42 million young adults who will never graduate

  • 42 million young people who will never start their own careers

  • 42 million young husbands and wives that will never start their own families.

It is in my opinion that people often forget that what they are calling a "fetus" is actually the beginning of a life. Humanity seems so be so wrapped up in whether or not the "fetus" is alive, they appear to have forgotten the intended purpose of that baby. It was intended for life.

I may not know what the "turning point" is that we should consider the baby "alive", but I think that may not be the point. I think we should remember the intention of that baby no matter what the science tells us is the beginning of life.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Those without a choice

I would like to first start out by stating that during my employment with Planned Parenthood, I did meet some people I would consider terrible, but also some people who were genuinely the most caring people in the community. I met Clinicians who worked 13 hour days and cried with their patients when they got bad test results. I met Registered Nurses and Medical Assistants that worked through their own needs everytime in order to fit every patient in that showed up in need.

There were two sides to the clinic, a Family Planning portion and a Surgical Services side. The Family Planning portion worked all 5 business days. The Surgical Side was only open 2 days a week. The Family Planning portion assisted 100 patients a day. I felt a great service was being performed by those terrific people in the clinical part of the health center. There were so many women who came to be seen that were in such painful and needy circumstances. My heart goes out to the family planning staff at all Planned Parenthoods because I feel they have no choice but to stay with Planned parenthood, even if it is not their first choice. Some of the Clinicians and staff I met wanted so much to be able to help the community. Planned Parenthood allowed them to serve a maximum amount of clients, but also had the expectation that Abortions would be performed.

I would like to point out that not everyone who works in these clinics likes these clinics, or agrees with what they are doing. Many of the clinic workers are just trying to feed their families in this horrible economy like the rest of us. And as the ocean of changes occur in the Abortion battle, they are swept along whether they agree or not, just so that they can remain employed. Many of these employees who have decided to leave the clinics have found themselves unable to secure gainful employment in their fields due to the social stigma of Planned Parenthood being on their resumes.

My heart goes out to these employees who have no choice and are stuck. One more set of victims in the abortion battle.