Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Those without a choice

I would like to first start out by stating that during my employment with Planned Parenthood, I did meet some people I would consider terrible, but also some people who were genuinely the most caring people in the community. I met Clinicians who worked 13 hour days and cried with their patients when they got bad test results. I met Registered Nurses and Medical Assistants that worked through their own needs everytime in order to fit every patient in that showed up in need.

There were two sides to the clinic, a Family Planning portion and a Surgical Services side. The Family Planning portion worked all 5 business days. The Surgical Side was only open 2 days a week. The Family Planning portion assisted 100 patients a day. I felt a great service was being performed by those terrific people in the clinical part of the health center. There were so many women who came to be seen that were in such painful and needy circumstances. My heart goes out to the family planning staff at all Planned Parenthoods because I feel they have no choice but to stay with Planned parenthood, even if it is not their first choice. Some of the Clinicians and staff I met wanted so much to be able to help the community. Planned Parenthood allowed them to serve a maximum amount of clients, but also had the expectation that Abortions would be performed.

I would like to point out that not everyone who works in these clinics likes these clinics, or agrees with what they are doing. Many of the clinic workers are just trying to feed their families in this horrible economy like the rest of us. And as the ocean of changes occur in the Abortion battle, they are swept along whether they agree or not, just so that they can remain employed. Many of these employees who have decided to leave the clinics have found themselves unable to secure gainful employment in their fields due to the social stigma of Planned Parenthood being on their resumes.

My heart goes out to these employees who have no choice and are stuck. One more set of victims in the abortion battle.